There is no one definition for Love Big, just as there is no one way to love big. Loving big is being intentional in how we treat others. It’s about loving ALL humankind, regardless of where life has led them or how the world perceives them. It is not born out of obligation or guilt. It’s something innate within us that manifests itself in incalculable ways.
We have all been created with special gifts. Gifts that allow us to better serve others. Avery had the gift of compassion, communication and connection. He loved ALL people and reached out to friends and strangers alike to make them feel loved. He also found passion in his friends with special needs. To him they were not people that needed help or sympathy. They were just people. People who needed a friend. A friend who would treat them as an equal. As a child of God, just like him.
Loving big means sometimes stepping out of our comfort zone. Taking a step back from our busy lives to survey the needs of others. Going the extra mile to show people they have worth. Loving big means not being complacent in a broken society. You don’t have to move mountains to make a difference – you just have to love the one in front of you.
“Avery understood that my students, his friends, are just kids too. He gave them the attention that no other peer has.”
“Loving Big is helping others see they have purpose, accepting people as they are, serving the one in front of you, fighting for the vulnerable, sharing your faith & passions, showing others they are loved.”